Whoa. Friday. This came faster than I expected.
Anyway, waiting for a hack to come out is harder than I thought. I'm going to die soon because I can't buy much in HC while I can buy anything in RC. Oh yeah, I went to Gingerbread theme yesterday :D So happy.
Piano is starting in 8 minutes, need to go off soon. This won't be my only post today. Definitely. I'm planning on writing something like I did 2 days ago. So Sherlene will be like "I don't believe you wrote that" again :)
Agent Digimon, over and out.
Anyway, waiting for a hack to come out is harder than I thought. I'm going to die soon because I can't buy much in HC while I can buy anything in RC. Oh yeah, I went to Gingerbread theme yesterday :D So happy.
Piano is starting in 8 minutes, need to go off soon. This won't be my only post today. Definitely. I'm planning on writing something like I did 2 days ago. So Sherlene will be like "I don't believe you wrote that" again :)
Agent Digimon, over and out.