
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

This can't be happening.
I've already studied for Biology Test.
And now the thermometer tells me that I can't go to school tomorrow?
I don't care, I'm going.
I hate retests.
I hate taking the test at odd times.
Sitting outside the staff room, or going to the library, or various study areas.
It messes up my schedule, and the classroom environment is absent.
Alright, time for Panadol.
Maybe I should take three, just in case.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

This sucks.
I can't do A Math at all, somehow.
I need to practice more.
For the first time in my life, I actually don't really get it.
And the textbook is really lousy because it hardly explains anything to me.
I feel pretty annoyed now.
Yeah, I should go search online and research more about this.

I'm getting pretty bored.

Friday, February 18, 2011

So I've just managed to finish two Common Test papers for Physics.
I'm quite proud of myself due to a few factors.
Firstly, I managed to do about 95% of the questions, on my own. As for those that I didn't know how to, I referred to the answer key.
Secondly, I managed to finish both within 80 minutes.
Thirdly, I scored 33/40 for the first one, and 34/40 for the second one.
Fourthly, all these were accomplished even though I was dead tired.
In fact, I still am.
Which is why my eyes are stinging from the long time spent forcing it open.
I feel pretty good now, that I've done all these.
Now, I just hope I can survive through tomorrow.
Not only is there an A Math Test, which I haven't studied for, shoots, it's also Triple Science Day, where we have all three Sciences.
There's PE too.
Well, at least it's a Friday.

On a side note, I really miss 2C3.
It's just been about 7 weeks, almost 8, and everyone is pretty distant from our ex-classmates.
One prime example would be how Hannah and I aren't too close anymore.
Maybe it's because we're both getting pretty busy.
Maybe it's because we haven't spent too much time together.
Whatever the reason is, I don't like it, and neither do I want it to happen.
Which is why, hopefully, we can have an outing soon.
Cross-Country is coming soon, so maybe we could all go out after that.
Alright I should suggest this to Hannah so that we can start planning again.

Okay, it's pretty late already.
Hopefully I won't fall asleep during my test tomorrow.
I suppose I should study a little for it.
Mainly on Fractions and Polynomials.

Oh yes, I almost forgot.
Today, we had SYF Auditions.
All I can say is that, I'll be pretty surprised if I do manage to get in.
Honestly, I mean it.
On the bright side, I'll be able to spend more time with the Secondary Ones, so it'll be time well spent, trying to help them improve, if need be.
Well, I guess we'll know soon, whether I spend time with the juniors, or with the Main Band.

Life is getting increasingly stressful.
But I'm getting used to it.
As long as we don't have too many things to do in one day, after a while of considerably more relaxing days.

Alright, it's really time for bed now.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm still on Physics.
My productivity today isn't very good.
I can't want for Band tomorrow.
It just means that all 4 of my tests tomorrow are over.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm really, really, really going to die.
What do I have to do for tonight?

#1 A Math. Okay this is pretty easy, give me 15 minutes and I can finish it. It's just 4 questions or so on Indices and Surds anyway.

#2 Physics Forces Worksheet. I haven't really seen the questions yet, but it's 3 pages long, and there are 10 questions, with many stars on some questions. Pretty... freaky. And there's the Acceleration graphs and stuff, which I'm not really great at.

#3 Study for my Lit Test. Okay I know I was supposed to have done the test today, but I couldn't find Mr M. So it became a later date. And I have a really, really, really strong feeling that I'll be taking it tomorrow, and that I'll also get scolded for not taking it today. Hey, it's not my fault right. I don't want to wait all the way till 4 just to take the test. I didn't have anything to do, not even homework, since everything was at home. But on second thought now I think I should have just stayed, and wasted my time away somehow. Ugh.

Shoots, I don't think I can study for Literature.
This sucks. I know the question, thanks to my really awesome classmates and friends.
I kind of know how to answer and stuff.
But I need to write it down because I can't exactly remember where they appear, and the quotes.
Ugh I should have just taken Geography.
I'm pretty sure that if I pay attention, my grade won't be that bad.
Maybe a B4 or a B3? Not the usual C5 at least.
Then again, if I just hold out for this one test, the rest might not be that bad.
Argh, why can't we just have a choice on whether to do the Passage Based or the one where they just give one question and you base on your memory?
Then I can just do my Passage Based question, and not have to worry so much about it now.
I've never studied for Lit, and worried over it so much like now.
Life in Sec 3 sucks sometimes.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Limelight was awesome.
Not perfect, but near there.
I love my Section.
I love all my friends.
Yay :)
Happy Valentine's Day!

Ahh I'm tired.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's pretty late so I'll get straight to the point.
So I was playing Naruto on Wii today.
And I finally managed to do Kurenai's second special move.
So it required me to shake the Nunchuk and Wii Remote really vigorously.
And that's when I hit my finger with the Nunchuk.
And of all things, it has to be my right thumb.
So I really have no idea how I'm going to write later on.
Good thing I finished my homework before I played it.
Okay bedtime.

Monday, February 7, 2011

I've been pretty tired of late.
Maybe it's just due to the post CNY thing.
Then again, before CNY, it was kind of like this already.
Maybe I'm just getting old.
Well, we are growing older by every second.
Or maybe it's just one of those phases once again.
I suppose it's probably because I'm getting pretty tired of my life.
Honestly, I don't know if I'm feeling that way.
It's pretty weird.
Well, one good thing about being tired like this is that I tend to think more.
No, I think all the time, but not about weird stuff.
When I'm tired I tend to think of weird stuff.
Like how I thought about what would happen if I died, just now.
It'll be pretty interesting to see what happens in life when you're gone.
Hopefully when I die, I'll get to see at least my funeral.
I also thought about what would happen if other people died.
For example, if my Grandmother, from my Dad's side, died, I'd be really depressed.
It might just change my life drastically too.
Well, not might. It will.
Then I started thinking about how our lives in Singapore is pretty mundane.
Now, we just go to school.
Our whole life revolves around school.
Once we graduate from school, we'll be going on to work.
And then our whole life will revolve around it.
By the time we're released from the clutches of the working world, we're old and we can't enjoy life like we used to 50 years back.
It's pretty sad, actually.
Oh well.
I guess this is just how we're supposed to lead our lives.
Moving on, I don't think I'll make a good psychologist in future.
I'm not even in a pretty stable state of mind, and yet I have to help those who are just like me, in terms of the stability of our minds.
So I guess I should just end up as something else.
I read somewhere that everyone was born to do something, be it business person, astronaut, clerk or cleaner.
Maybe some of us are born to be villains, robbers, murderers and so on.
Although I think it's more of whether we chose to be that or not.
For example, robbers could probably be really good policemen, since they're so silent and sneaky and stuff.
And if you put that in a good connotation, you get a pretty good cop for breaking in and finding out stuff.
Maybe a spy.
Murderers, maybe you can hunt down wanted people.
I don't know.
But anyway, I think some of us are born to just be underdogs.
After all, for white to look bright, there needs to be black.
So, maybe, some of us were just born to make others shine.
Maybe that's how it is in life.
Maybe, before we actually become a zygote, we actually have some lucky draw to see what we'll be.
And then all of those gets wiped out from our memory when we become conscious.
Maybe that's why sometimes we have instincts, hunches, deja vus and such.
But this is just my way of thinking, something I derived from after learning bits and parts of people's beliefs.
Everyone has their own way of thinking.
Maybe all these is different for all of us.
Maybe before and after your life there's nothing at all.
I suppose this just seems to be telling me that Science doesn't give the answers to everything in life.
Which is true, of course.
For now.
Well this has been pretty long, and I'm tired.
I need to do my homework too, and the earliest I can sleep tonight is 11.30, since I need to check me email and stuff.
Once I stop becoming a Junior Leader, I think I'll be pretty happy.
But, as usual, I don't want that time to come because of the Sec 4s.
Maybe next year I'll be feeling the same, just that instead, I'll be the Sec 4.
Oh well, I guess I just have to wait and see.
Time will pass at the same rate no matter what anyway, so no matter what, the time will come, no matter how much we don't want it to come.
I guess we don't have much of a choice, anyhow.
Ah, I feel weird.
Maybe I just won't wake up from my sleep tonight.
Spending my whole life dreaming, and not being aware that I'm dreaming, would be quite blissful.
Ignorance is bliss, after all.
Maybe my life right now is just part of a dream, and maybe I'll wake up one day, to find that I'm only a small kid.
Or maybe it's my pre-born stage now, and we get to see how our life goes first, and then when we're born our memory gets reset,
Well, I won't know, since it might have happened to me already, but I can't remember.
Ah, time to do work.