
Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Well, today was Council Investiture.
Nice performance, it was.
Time well spent :)
And the free food after that in the MPR! <3

Argh but its so annoying when they kept calling for the councilor Evelyn Fong, and I keep reacting to the name. >:(

Anyway, I just noticed how awesome Stickies are.
Especially how they're made.

Now its going to cost me a bomb buying them for concert presents.
The total cost should be about $30, I guess.
2 150g ones, 5 70g ones, and one Hershey's Dark Chocolate bar.
I just hope that none of my section mates read this.

Anyway, during English lesson, we learnt about how scary Social Networking Sites are.
Like Facebook.
But too bad, I'm not going to like delete my account just because of that.
Also, they said blogging is unsafe too.
Why? Because people can read your posts.
So I guess I'll go password protect my blog then.
If I have time.

Art is killing me.
Why can't we use crayons? D:
Blending would be that much easier and nicer.
So I went on to using colour pencils.
And guess what? Its WATER colour pencils. Not NORMAL colour pencils.
But I really don't care now.
Here's an extract from Hanna and my conversation.

           Alien - Agent Digimon (L)      says:
*Ah screw this
*I'm tired and I seriously have no time for useless subjects like Art
   Hannah     says:
           Alien - Agent Digimon (L)      says:
*So I shall use my colour pencils the way I like it
   Hannah     says:
           Alien - Agent Digimon (L)      says:
*No homework
   Hannah     says:
*yeah but
*no wait
           Alien - Agent Digimon (L)      says:
   Hannah     says:
*there was!
*in the scrapbook
*we had to draw a lot of crap
*and stuff
           Alien - Agent Digimon (L)      says:
*Those were simple
   Hannah     says:

Great minds think alike.

Ah well, I need to at least finish it.
And my shoe design thing still won't be handed in tomorrow -.-
1 month overdue? Actually, maybe 2 months.

-Agent Digimon, over and out.