
Wednesday, May 19, 2010


The day we get back our results.
First is Mother Tongue.
One tissue box will be used up.
Second is English.
Spirit will be dampened.
Third is recess.
Recovery time.
Fourth is Literature.
Heart sinks faster than Titanic.
Fifth is History.
News comes like how Little Boy came to Hiroshima.
Sixth is Maths.
News comes like how Fat Man came to Nagasaki.
Seventh is Science.
Temptation to use scissors to commit suicide grows stronger.
Eighth is Band.
Mr Chua is coming, so,
Suffers in all sorts of terrible ways.
Ninth is time to go home.
Murdered when telling results.

Okay, this aside, Art homework has finally caught up on me.
If I don't hand them in by tomorrow, I'm getting a 0 for those assignments.
And if that happens,
So I'm trying my best to complete it now.
Just finished 2 art pieces in 45 minutes.
The sketch, that is.
So next will be to sketch one more, and then paint them.
Hopefully I can finish before dinner.
I still need time to practice my piano.