
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Report Books.

I'm really amazed by my Primary School Report Book.
I never knew so much changed.
This is going to be a long post.

Primary One, Mid Years.
English: 97
Chinese: 98
Mathematics: 100
Total: 295/300
Percentage: 98.3%
Conduct: Good
Remarks: Evelyn puts in effort in her work.
The remarks are... short.
And my conduct was horrible.
But my Chinese was awesome.

Primary One, Final Years.
English: 98
Chinese: 99
Mathematics: 100
Total: 297/300
Percentage: 99%
Class Position: 1/40
Level Position: 4/438
Conduct: Good
Remarks: Evelyn is consistent in her studies. She carries out her duties faithfully as a monitor.
Weight for Height Indicator: Underweight
My Chinese. I can't believe it.
And my conduct.
And the remarks.
And my Weight for Height Indicator.
Oh gosh.

Primary Two, Mid Years.
English: 95
Chinese: 97
Mathematics: 100
Total: 292/300
Percentage: 97.3%
Conduct: Very Good
Remarks: Evelyn is a bright and diligent pupil who takes pride in her work. She has adjusted well in her class and has been a good team player.
Note that I had just transferred from Pei Chun to Henry Park, hence the "She has adjusted well in her class" comment.
My English seemed to be really... horrible last time.

Primary Two, Final Years.
English: 92
Chinese: 96
Mathematics: 100
Total: 288/300
Percentage: 96%
Conduct: Very Good
Remarks: Evelyn is an intelligent girl who is attentive and responsive during lessons. She possesses a positive attitude towards her work.
Weight for Height Indicator: Underweight
I can't believe my English standards were that atrocious.
And I have a feeling the remarks were all faked.
I still recall daydreaming in class, and being called on by teachers many times.

Primary Three, Mid Years.
English: 90
Chinese: 89
Mathematics: 97
Science: 88
Total: 364/400
Percentage: 91%
Conduct: Excellent
Remarks: Evelyn is an enthusiastic pupil who displays pride in her assignments.
My percentage. It dropped by 5% in just 6 months.
I recall this being the period where I got more accustomed to Henry Park life, where Chinese was almost everyone's worst subject.
Looks like my Science was worse.
At least my conduct is better.

Primary Three, Final Years.
English: 90
Chinese: 94
Mathematics: 97
Science: 82
Total: 363/400
Percentage: 90.8%
Conduct: Excellent
Remarks: Evelyn is an independent worker who comes up with fresh and innovative ideas and solutions.
Weight for Height Indicator: Underweight
Body Mass Index: 13.3
I can't bear to look at my Science.
Also, "fresh and innovative ideas and solutions" probably meant "talking lots of crap and giving crap ideas during discussions".
And why was I still Underweight? I thought I went on my crazy Weight Gaining Schedule at Primary Three.

Primary Four, Mid Years.
English: 81
Chinese: 76
Mathematics: 93
Science: 86
Total: 336/400
Percentage: 84%
Conduct: Good
Remarks: Evelyn can be rather playful at times but she is willing to help her peers. She takes initiative when it comes to work, though she can be inattentive sometimes. Evelyn is definitely capable of achieving better results.
I recall this being the first exams I took when I was only 20% awake.
Hence the appalling results.
This was the year I was slightly influenced into being some juvenile delinquent too.
Hence the conduct.
But one of my favourite teachers was this particular teacher who wrote all these, because she didn't give up on my Chinese.
I was actually one of the tops in class for Chinese at the beginning of the year, and then I became one of the last few.
In the level.
Yep, so she helped me a lot.
And she particularly liked me for some weird reason.
Which scared me a little.

Primary Four, Final Years.
English: 89
Chinese: 86
Mathematics: 95
Science: 90
Total: 360/400
Percentage: 90%
Conduct: Very Good
Comments: Evelyn is diligent and helpful. She will take initiative to ask questions, there is also an improvement in her work. She has done well in her work and should continue with the good work attitude. Keep it up!
Weight for Height Indicator: Acceptable
This was the year when I received the Best in Progress award.
I improved by 24 marks.
I'm still quite surprised about it.
Also, I managed to get out of the Underweight category!
I guess my crazy Weight Gaining Schedule started that year.
And I still remember that teacher saying that I did her proud.
I'm still happy about that.

Primary Five, Mid Years.
English: 88
Chinese: 76
Higher Chinese: 55
Mathematics: 89
Science: 78
Total: 331/400
Percentage: 82.8%
Conduct: Very Good
Remarks: Evelyn has been progressing academically. She should continue to develop good habits of mind in order to improve in her Science. She is a steadfast and conscientious worker.
So this was the year where I flunked all my subjects.
Need I explain any further?
And the comments were completely false.
So much for "progressing academically".
Oh, and Higher Chinese wasn't counted in my total.
That worked really well for me.

Primary Five, Final Years.
English: 90
Chinese: 79
Higher Chinese: 71
Mathematics: 93
Science: 74
Total: 336/400
Percentage: 84%
Conduct: Very Good
Remarks: Evelyn is quite a competitive pupil. She has achieved excellent results for her Mathematics and should continue to do well. She is a dependable pupil. Good!
Weight for Height Indicator: Underweight
"achieved excellent results". Yeah right.
And I became Underweight again, because I didn't stick to my Schedule.

Primary Six, Mid Years.
English: 87
Chinese: 77
Higher Chinese: 72
Mathematics: 92
Science: 79
Total: 335/400
Percentage: 83.8%
Conduct: Excellent
Remarks: Well-mannered and pleasant. Has the potential to do better in the academics.
At least I improved slightly for some subjects.

Primary Six, Final Years.
English: 83
Chinese: 88
Higher Chinese: 82
Mathematics: 92
Science: 72
Total: 335/400
Percentage: 83.8%
Conduct: Excellent
Remarks: Quiet and pleasant and reliable. Can focus well in class and is able to do well in the academics.
Weight for Height Indicator: Acceptable
Well, I'm amazed by my Chinese.
I was Second in Level.
And I still don't know how I did that.

You're probably tired of seeing all of those boring things.
But its not the end yet.
Its time for NAPFA results.

Primary Four, NAPFA.
Height (cm): 141
Weight (kg): 29
Weight-for-Height Category (%): 80
Weight Indicator: A
Sit-Ups (reps): 29, 5 points
Standing Broad Jump (cm): 165, 5 points
Sit and Reach (cm): 27, 2 points
IPU/Pull (reps): 23, 5 points
4x10m Shuttle Run (sec): 11.8, 4 points
1.6/2.4km Run (min.sec): 13.06, 2 points
Total Points: 23
Award: S
My 1.6 Run was so amazing.
I had asthma on that day, and I had to use my inhaler-which-I-lost-two-days-after-1.6.
My Sit and Reach was still as horrible as it is now.
And was I really that short in the past?

Primary Five, NAPFA.
Height (cm): 144
Weight (kg): 28
Weight-for-Height Category (%): 70
Weight Indicator: U
Sit-Ups (reps): 34, 5 Points
Standing Broad Jump (cm): 172, 5 Points
Sit and Reach (cm): 35, 4 Points
IPU/Pull (reps): 37, 5 Points
4x10m Shuttle Run (sec): 11.2, 5 Points
1.6/2.4km Run (min.sec): 11.51, 3 Points
Total Points: 27
Award: G
My stamina was better in the past, I think.
At least I got a C.
My Sit-Ups and IPUs were... amazing. For my standards.
And I can't believe I lost weight.
I bet it was the training for my Sit and Reach.
Only reason why I managed a 35 cm.

Primary Six, NAPFA.
Height (cm): 148
Weight (kg): 34
Weight-for-height Category (%): 80
Weight Indicator: A
Sit-Ups (reps): 36, 5 Points
Standing Broad Jump (cm): 194, 5 Points
Sit and Reach (cm): 35, 3 Points
IPU/Pull (reps): 40, 5 Points
4x10m Shuttle Run (sec): 10.7, 5 Points
1.6/2.4km Run (min.sec): 11.22, 3 Points
Total Points: 26
Award: G
Well, I improved.
My Standing Broad Jump was amazing.
So was my IPUs.
Sadly, I don't think I can do all that now.
And wow. I gained 6 kg.
All that junk food was definitely worth it.

I think this post is long enough.
Offtopic: ___ ___, I miss you. Yet again. Sit and Reach reminded me of you.