
Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I just noticed that I've been straying from the main point of this blog.

When I first created it, it was just for me to "Please my sister and stop her from pestering me to create one."
I wrote about all sorts of nonsense and didn't care about who would read it.

Then, I realised how dangerous a blog actually is.

Anyone can actually read your blog freely even though they don't know who you are.
So, I became more careful about what I typed in this blog.

And eventually, I ceased to blog because I got bored and lazy.

Then, one I-don't-know-how-to-describe-it day, I decided that the main point of my blogging was to write down stuff I normally write down in diaries, like my feelings, problems etc..
However, there was still the threat of unwanted people reading this blog.

But I just went ahead, thinking that no one would actually come and read my blog.

And soon, I realised that it was just way too personal and open for me.

So, I switched from Diary to Journal.
Basically, I recorded what happened on that day, and many other things that I found necessary to record.

Soon, I found that instead of constantly switching blogs to write different things, I should just write in both, with one locked, and one not.

In case you haven't noticed, this is the unlocked one.

The only difference was that in the locked one, I wrote freely, describing everything very clearly and openly, because I'm the only one that can access it, while in the one that is not locked, I write in a vague and indirect way, partially because it would test the analytical and deduction skills of both the readers and I, in future.

And now, the contents of my blog are basically a mixture of everything.

Then, I decided to ward off unwanted visitors, by putting on a password.
You might now ask, "What is the difference between my locked blog and this then?
The difference is that, this blog can still be accessed by others, and it is really easy to get in, while as for my other blog, it is virtually impossible to get in. The only one who can access it is me.

Right, I should end off here.
Its amazing how I managed to change the "theme" of my blog so many times.