Ah, we went to Lido after Band today.
Ate lunch, and went home.
The whole point of the trip was for Mun Yun to treat us to ice-cream.
She only had to treat Tha Yang and I, since the rest didn't come.
But in the end, she treated no one, because I was too full, and Tha Yang didn't want to be the only one eating ice-cream.
Anyway, the YOG Opening Ceremony wasn't that bad.
But the coordination.
That was something.
It was so messy.
But the fireworks!
And that weird monster in the boxing dude's dream!
He looks so much like the garbage guy from Sesame Street.
I can never remember his name.
Anyway, the reading out of countries names was really boring.
I slept through the whole thing, until Singapore's one came.
And the speech.
I played with Ashley instead.
She's very very cute!
And she can recognise me!
Well she doesn't know my name, but each time she sees me, she laughs and smiles.
And she reacts to me!
Yay I feel so honoured.
I feel really tired now.
But, PBL website needs to be done by like today or tomorrow.
Only now am I feeling the pressure.
But its not even at full brunt yet.