There, 5 photos.
I feel really tempted to post more.
But I shall control.
Anyway, I should really catch up on my studies, instead of catching up on sleep.
According to Hanna, there's 82 days left till the end of 2C3 '10.
I feel like crying.
I'll really miss everyone.
Sure, its not like I won't see them ever again, since we'll still be in the same school, but we won't be the same class anymore.
Also, Mehendi is leaving somewhere this month, if I'm not wrong.
This will never be the same without her, or anyone else.
This year has been really short.
I feel so depressed now.
But anyway, I was supposed to mention the End of Year Exams.
Yes, if there's only 82 days left, that means there's probably only about 60+ days left till EOYs.
I think I'm going to die when it comes.
And then I'll have to take a Subject Combination that I don't want.
Oh gosh.
Yes, I shall start mugging, for real.
Or at least, I'll try to finish most of my homework by tomorrow.
"When shall we two meet again, in thunder, lightning, or in rain?"