:D Class Clique outing was fun!
Started off with me reaching 15 minutes early. Its amazing how I can actually be early sometimes.
And then already, I got lost.
Well I was kind of lost before that.
Wait, I should start from the very beginning.
Yeah so basically, when I was walking down the hill, I saw a bus come.
And, since I didn't want to waste any chance, and wait for another bus, I ran down.
I barely caught it.
But, as usual, I took the wrong direction.
Actually I have no idea how I did that.
The buses at both sides came at the same time, and I kind of got confused, I guess.
So anyway, it took me about 15 minutes to realise I went the wrong way.
So I wasted a lot of money, since time is money.
Then, I fell asleep in the bus.
But when I woke up, I was still in the bus.
I mean, I was supposed to go to the interchange, so if I had reached the interchange, the bus uncle would wake me up or something.
And it was already 40 minutes!
So I started panicking again, and wondering if I had actually took the correct direction at first.
Then I asked the lady behind me.
And she said I was going towards Bedok, so I was safe.
Yeah so that's the first time I got lost for the day.
The second one was that I didn't know how to go to the MRT.
So I asked for directions again.
But this time that lady kind of laughed at me.
Its not my fault; its my second time here.
Anyway, I met up with Hanna, Gloria, Kellie and Xin Yuan there.
And then we waited at the bus interchange for Beverly.
Then, we waited for 401 to come.
After about 10 minutes, we realised that, 401 doesn't operate on weekdays.
Silly (I refuse to use the term Stupid, even though she is) Hanna didn't check properly.
So we asked the Information People, and they told us the right directions.
Third time that I was lost for the day.
Then, when we boarded the bus, we realised that we didn't know where to stop.
Well, the Information People said 5 stops, but none of us counted.
So we asked the Bus Uncle.
And we got off correctly.
Fourth time lost for the day.
Ah, and then we realised that We had told Jaski and Jaja the wrong directions.
And everyone else didn't know too.
So we kind of just waited for them to call us.
But we told Jaski and Jaja, though, since while on the bus we saw them walking the wrong way.
So after meeting up with Jaski and Jaja by escorting them to all of us, we walked to the underpass, and ended up at Area E.
We were supposed to be at Area C.
So we walked.
And halfway there, at Area D near C, we saw a bike rental shop, so we rented bikes.
Our biggest mistake was to rent double bikes.
It was really hard to control.
And, as expected, sort of, Hanna and I were the slowest.
And my leg had so much oil from just that 20 minutes.
But we managed to get the hang of it (sort of), and rode to Macs.
We had lunch there, and met us with everyone else.
In total, there were 12 people.
30% of the class.
See, this is why its not a Class Outing.
Anyway, we just cycled for the rest of the day.
Hanna and I were planning some games though, so we called them back.
But somehow riding a bicycle makes you deaf, and most of them didn't hear us.
So in the end, we had to call them.
Ah but, the weather started turning for the worse.
The skies were overcast, and so, we called them.
Many times.
But apparently, Kellie and Priscilla had cycled all the way to the end, so they would take a really long time to get back.
Everyone except the two of them made it to the shelter we had taken before it started raining.
But then the rain got a little heavy, so Hanna and I went to search for the two of our missing little birds.
And we finally found them after cycling a long way.
We were past where we had arrived at East Coast Park.
And by then, the rain was kind of heavy.
Kellie injured her leg, so she couldn't cycle as fast.
Also, it was a double bike.
Oh by the way, most of us changed to single bikes by then.
Including Hanna and I.
Well we were the first to do that.
Anyway, we managed to get them back to the shelter safely.
Seriously, it was freaky.
The lightning struck the sea so many times.
And there was once it hit the sand near the water, quite a distance ahead of me.
But that was scary enough.
And the air. It was warm.
Not a good sign.
So, Beverly called cabs.
And we went home.
But overall it was still really fun.
My feet hurts now, though.
Ah, dinner time.
Then its time to do e-Learning.
Started off with me reaching 15 minutes early. Its amazing how I can actually be early sometimes.
And then already, I got lost.
Well I was kind of lost before that.
Wait, I should start from the very beginning.
Yeah so basically, when I was walking down the hill, I saw a bus come.
And, since I didn't want to waste any chance, and wait for another bus, I ran down.
I barely caught it.
But, as usual, I took the wrong direction.
Actually I have no idea how I did that.
The buses at both sides came at the same time, and I kind of got confused, I guess.
So anyway, it took me about 15 minutes to realise I went the wrong way.
So I wasted a lot of money, since time is money.
Then, I fell asleep in the bus.
But when I woke up, I was still in the bus.
I mean, I was supposed to go to the interchange, so if I had reached the interchange, the bus uncle would wake me up or something.
And it was already 40 minutes!
So I started panicking again, and wondering if I had actually took the correct direction at first.
Then I asked the lady behind me.
And she said I was going towards Bedok, so I was safe.
Yeah so that's the first time I got lost for the day.
The second one was that I didn't know how to go to the MRT.
So I asked for directions again.
But this time that lady kind of laughed at me.
Its not my fault; its my second time here.
Anyway, I met up with Hanna, Gloria, Kellie and Xin Yuan there.
And then we waited at the bus interchange for Beverly.
Then, we waited for 401 to come.
After about 10 minutes, we realised that, 401 doesn't operate on weekdays.
Silly (I refuse to use the term Stupid, even though she is) Hanna didn't check properly.
So we asked the Information People, and they told us the right directions.
Third time that I was lost for the day.
Then, when we boarded the bus, we realised that we didn't know where to stop.
Well, the Information People said 5 stops, but none of us counted.
So we asked the Bus Uncle.
And we got off correctly.
Fourth time lost for the day.
Ah, and then we realised that We had told Jaski and Jaja the wrong directions.
And everyone else didn't know too.
So we kind of just waited for them to call us.
But we told Jaski and Jaja, though, since while on the bus we saw them walking the wrong way.
So after meeting up with Jaski and Jaja by escorting them to all of us, we walked to the underpass, and ended up at Area E.
We were supposed to be at Area C.
So we walked.
And halfway there, at Area D near C, we saw a bike rental shop, so we rented bikes.
Our biggest mistake was to rent double bikes.
It was really hard to control.
And, as expected, sort of, Hanna and I were the slowest.
And my leg had so much oil from just that 20 minutes.
But we managed to get the hang of it (sort of), and rode to Macs.
We had lunch there, and met us with everyone else.
In total, there were 12 people.
30% of the class.
See, this is why its not a Class Outing.
Anyway, we just cycled for the rest of the day.
Hanna and I were planning some games though, so we called them back.
But somehow riding a bicycle makes you deaf, and most of them didn't hear us.
So in the end, we had to call them.
Ah but, the weather started turning for the worse.
The skies were overcast, and so, we called them.
Many times.
But apparently, Kellie and Priscilla had cycled all the way to the end, so they would take a really long time to get back.
Everyone except the two of them made it to the shelter we had taken before it started raining.
But then the rain got a little heavy, so Hanna and I went to search for the two of our missing little birds.
And we finally found them after cycling a long way.
We were past where we had arrived at East Coast Park.
And by then, the rain was kind of heavy.
Kellie injured her leg, so she couldn't cycle as fast.
Also, it was a double bike.
Oh by the way, most of us changed to single bikes by then.
Including Hanna and I.
Well we were the first to do that.
Anyway, we managed to get them back to the shelter safely.
Seriously, it was freaky.
The lightning struck the sea so many times.
And there was once it hit the sand near the water, quite a distance ahead of me.
But that was scary enough.
And the air. It was warm.
Not a good sign.
So, Beverly called cabs.
And we went home.
But overall it was still really fun.
My feet hurts now, though.
Ah, dinner time.
Then its time to do e-Learning.