
Friday, August 13, 2010

I feel very stressed.
There's like almost no time to do anything else.
And I'm still in a dilemma about the Class Outing issue.
I'm just praying that my fears don't come true.
Anyway, I have a feeling that our PBL website won't be complete.
And it'll be thanks to my Procrastination Skills.
I should ban all my pages.
And make myself stop slacking.
Anyway, I'll find a way to go for Mun Yun's Ice-Cream Treat on Saturday.
I want my ice-cream.
(Although I'm not supposed to eat it.)
But I could join Tatiana next time.
Or maybe we could get Mun Yun to treat us again when she treats Tatiana! :D
Okay I shall cook up some scheme when I have time.
Which is probably in a few weeks, once exams are over.