"If everyone is different, and weird = different, then everyone is weird. But if everyone is weird, then won't it make everyone the same, which makes us all normal?"
"Memories are unpredictable. One moment, they can make you feel happy, and the next moment, they kill you inside."
"We spend half our life sleeping, but we spend our whole life waiting.Waiting in lines, waiting for times, waiting to be old enough, waiting for a call. We're always waiting. We just don't always realise it. Waiting for someone to say something to you, waiting for them to notice you. Constantly waiting for that one person, and they have no idea that you're waiting for them."
"The heart has reasons that reason does not understand."
"Because the truth is, if you love a person, if you truly love them, no matter how bad they hurt you, or how mad they made you, you will always take them back."
"And every time you feel like crying, I'm going to try and make you laugh. And if I can't, if it just hurts too bad, then we will wait for it to pass, and I will keep you company through those days."
"Don't walk into my life, if you intend to walk out of it."
Well, the first two came from me. And that's true.
Anyway, I feel really bored now.
One look at 作业, and I felt like sleeping.
____________ was online, but just left.
I didn't even talk to ____________.
...Oh well...