Its really late now.
I haven't been talking to many people on MSN these days.
Everyone's too busy studying, I guess.
Anyway, my little bike trip with my family + 3 cousins was... eventful.
Firstly, East Coast Park was really crowded.
That means a billion inconsiderate people right in the middle of the road, and they don't want to move, or the move really slowly.
It also means many other irritating bikers and rollerbladers that keep insulting/glaring/annoying you.
Well, because of the human congestion, and the stupid barricading of areas thanks to YOG (I'm starting to hate it now), I feel down 5 times.
The first time, thanks to my genuinely defective tall bike, I broke, and fell because I could hardly touch the ground, thus making me lose my balance.
The second time, I crashed into a tree and fell on the grass because I broke and couldn't reach the ground again, and swerved into the tree.
The third time, some stupid biker crashed into me intentionally. And yes, of course I glared at him and made him apologise to me.
And my mom told him off too.
And my cousins and siblings all helped to shout at him.
I think it was because I rang the bell at him, and overtook him.
His pride was probably hurt when he saw a 14 year old girl overtake him, a 20ish man.
Oh well.
The fourth time, a whole bunch of people came out of nowhere, and I jam-braked.
Which made me fall.
The last time, there was this whole mob of people at the road, and I had to weave through them.
Otherwise, I would have to wait for a few hours for them to finally get their ears and brains working properly, and stop walking and clogging up the bicycle path.
But because there were so many of them, and they were ultra slow, I lost my balance on the bike.
Well it was mainly because there was this woman that suddenly shouted out because she though I would hit her.
So when she shouted, I got a shock, and lost my balance.
I almost hit her too.
But its mainly because I was going so slow, I lost my balance.
Anyway, I received a lot of scratches and bruises, and my legs were all streaked with bicycle oil from my bike.
Also, my chain came off, so we had to repair it.
But I suppose the trip was okay.
Oh well, time to sleep.
On the bright side, I finished the Chinese Letter Corrections today.
Tomorrow, or rather in the later morning, I shall aspire to finish up Math and the rest of Chinese.
Then I can relax more tomorrow, and study Physics.
Oh yes, I miss you. I really do. :(
"Have you ever heard of something you really didn't want to hear, then your heart just drops and you get a huge knot in your throat because it feels like you're about to burst out crying?"