So my brother's birthday was today.
I suppose it was nothing much.
Just a routine birthday celebration.
But it was fun, I suppose.
I really want exams to be over.
My life is getting really messed up because of it.
Messed up in many different ways.
11 more days till it starts.
6th October.
19 more days till the last exam.
14th October.
20 more days till the little outing with Mun Yun, Debbie, Grace and Sherlene.
15th October.
Seriously, I can't wait.
Just 13 and a half more days till freedom.
For the year.
Till we get our results back.
But still.
I suppose I should stress out more over my results.
I mean, its Streaming Year.
And I can't feel the pressure.
Not really.
I can't get myself to memorize Geography.
Its probably the only subject that I haven't done anything yet.
Literature too, but I seriously doubt I will even do anything for that.
Every time I tell myself to get the book out and memorize some quotes, I end up doing something else.
Like reading another book and memorizing that just naturally instead.
I'm digressing.
Back to Geography.
I have the slides open.
I have my PowerPack on my desk.
I have my Textbook on my chair, just behind me.
I'm surrounded by Geography materials, but I just can't do them.
Did I mention that my Assessment Books turned out to be of the wrong syllabus?
That got me a little angry and annoyed, and dropped my motivation a little.
Back to the point.
I can't study for Geography.
And I desperately want an Assessment Book for it.
I suppose I'll get it tomorrow.
Alright, I suppose I should do my Science homework now.
I suppose it was nothing much.
Just a routine birthday celebration.
But it was fun, I suppose.
I really want exams to be over.
My life is getting really messed up because of it.
Messed up in many different ways.
11 more days till it starts.
6th October.
19 more days till the last exam.
14th October.
20 more days till the little outing with Mun Yun, Debbie, Grace and Sherlene.
15th October.
Seriously, I can't wait.
Just 13 and a half more days till freedom.
For the year.
Till we get our results back.
But still.
I suppose I should stress out more over my results.
I mean, its Streaming Year.
And I can't feel the pressure.
Not really.
I can't get myself to memorize Geography.
Its probably the only subject that I haven't done anything yet.
Literature too, but I seriously doubt I will even do anything for that.
Every time I tell myself to get the book out and memorize some quotes, I end up doing something else.
Like reading another book and memorizing that just naturally instead.
I'm digressing.
Back to Geography.
I have the slides open.
I have my PowerPack on my desk.
I have my Textbook on my chair, just behind me.
I'm surrounded by Geography materials, but I just can't do them.
Did I mention that my Assessment Books turned out to be of the wrong syllabus?
That got me a little angry and annoyed, and dropped my motivation a little.
Back to the point.
I can't study for Geography.
And I desperately want an Assessment Book for it.
I suppose I'll get it tomorrow.
Alright, I suppose I should do my Science homework now.