
Sunday, November 28, 2010

I hate antibiotics.
They taste funny.
They leave a funny taste in your mouth / throat.
They make your breath smell funny.
Seriously, I reek of antibiotics.
I still don't understand why I have to take it.
I'm perfectly fine.
Okay, so I do have a headache.
And I can't really speak perfectly fine as normal.
And I cough.
But is that really so bad that I need antibiotics?
I don't have a fever.
Not anymore.

Anyway, its 2 days [1, actually] more till I leave for Japan.
I haven't packed.
Yeah, I know, its really horrible of me.
But note that I usually pack like the evening before I leave.
Its already an amazing improvement that I actually took out all the clothes already.

Anyway, somehow, I'm not really looking forward to it.
I don't know why.
Life seems really boring these days.
I miss a lot of the times during school days.

Moving on, I'm getting really, really worried about Hannah.
She plays with penknives.
What if one day she happens to oh so carelessly drop it while she's fiddling around with it, and that causes the penknife to drop, blade first, into her leg or something and stabs it?
Or maybe it slides down somewhere and slits some part of her?
I think I'm getting a little influenced by Resident Evil.
Its causing me to think... extremely.
Anyway, yeah, what if that happens?
I should have stolen her penknife and not returned.
But then again, that's real stealing.
Not good.

I'm tired.
And bored.
And somehow I don't want to sleep.
Life is so boring and yet contradictory.
Ah well.