Look like I forgot all about my blog for these past few days.
So anyways, these few days haven't been very eventful.
The usual lessons, the usual weird class, the usual everything.
Only certain things have to be taken note of.
On Monday, when Charissa, Ren Ting, Grace and I were rushing up for English Class after lunch, both Grace and I fell.
She tripped over a tile, and for the record, I'll say I tripped over her.
Though its possible that I moved away from / towards her and tripped over another tile.
Anyways, I scraped my knee, it bled a little, but overall its fine.
Grace's isn't though.
I should take a picture and post here.
But then again I don't want you all the freak out or be grossed out.
It was just... bad.
Tuesday we had Mass Workout, my stomach still hurts from it.
All those Planks and other weirdo exercises.
Next time, I'm stretching after Workout.
Also, we had some SS briefing.
I think I'm going to really hate all the MUN practices, Mini-MUN and CrezMUN.
I can sense that my SS grade will be really low, and it'll pull down my gorgeous marks for Literature.
What? Literature happens to be my best subject after Math, and I do usually score an A or high B.
Maybe it would have been safer for me to take Triple 9 instead.
Maybe Pure Geography won't be so bad.
Oh yeah!
There was a health checkup on Tuesday.
I have a backbone problem :(
I think its caused from the way I sleep.
I have a tendency to sleep on the couch, on my desk or on my chair.
And of course when that happens I sleep in really weird ways.
Anyways, I have to see a doctor.
Which probably means its quite bad.
Well the nurse was saying all this throughout:
"Aiyo! Tsk tsk tsk. Quite bad ah, girl."Sadly she didn't tell me the degree.
Anyways, nothing much happened on Wednesday.
Oh but I didn't manage to finish what we were supposed to do for Chemistry SPA.
Does that mean that I'm going to die and it'll affect my marks?
Now let's move on to today.
First off, its half-day, because the previous batch of Sec 4s did well.
So, I went out with Haseena, Rui Ying and Sharne.
Well initially I had planned to go out with Sherlene and Grace.
Then that horrible Grace couldn't come.
So Sherlene and I decide to ask the rest of the section along.
Ah but everyone else wasn't really free either.
So I ended up going with the the three listed up there.
Sherlene didn't want to come :( She should have!
Anyways, English was entertaining.
We just spent our time playing with VGLF and writing a mock formal letter.
Which, wasn't graded, so my group [Su Yi, Celine and the absent Haziyah] and I just wrote crap.
Next was Chinese, and we spent our time doing half of a Chinese paper.
Well it was pretty hard I guess.
But somehow I managed to guess my way through and get the highest in class.
8/10 for the Cloze Passage and 16/20 for the MCQ Comprehension.
I think most people just passed both or something.
Hey but for the Cloze Passage, I knew what I was doing.
So credit goes to me.
But as for the MCQ Comprehension, well, I guessed about 5 out of 10 questions.
And amazingly I got 4/5 of them correct!
My luck was incredible.
Okay so lastly it was Physics.
Nothing much, we learned about Velocity, Acceleration and Gradients.
It's not new to me since I've already learned it in tuition.
But I didn't pay much attention during tuition, so yeah.
Then, while everyone was released at 11, we were stuck in class, still having Physics.
Ms Chee is so evil.
But I guess it's good too.
Honestly if I had a choice I'd rather have A Math too, because we have a test coming and our teacher might not appear anytime soon.
I suppose I should go on ahead and study on my own accord.
...I'm starting to sound like a mugger.
This is scary.
Anyways, the outing was amazingly awesome and fun, although looking back, we pretty much did nothing except chilling.
We went to Tiong Bahru to eat lunch first, because Vivo [our final destination] is crazily expensive. I know since I go there pretty often. Not to eat.
Then after lunch [I didn't finish my curry rice :(] we went on ahead to Vivo.
Oh, before we left Tiong Bahru we bought snacks. And we got a free bottle of Orange Mirinda!
Anyways, at Vivo, we went to the Sky Terrace first, making a pit stop at the cinema.
But there was nothing nice to watch anyway.
Then, at the sky terrace, we sat down, talked, ate, took pictures and dipped our legs into the water.
We basically spent about an hour and half there.
Halfway through, while we were wading through the waters, with Haseena and I trying not to wet our jeans, we saw the Sec 3 NCC members.
So we went to them and we started hanging out together for a while.
Yeah, then we went back.
We then headed to the Pet Safari, a pet shop.
The dogs are still as cute and amazing as ever.
But now they have a grooming salon instead of the old Hamster Display!
It was quite freaky, the way the dog that was bing groomed howled.
It sounded as though they were all being tortured.
:( So sad.
And we saw this notice about a dog that needed to be adopted, otherwise it'd be put to sleep, because it got reported or something.
Oh, the cruelty of man.
The dog seemed pretty well behaved, well trained etc.
Anyways, after that we walked around inside a little, then we went to do the funny art thing that looks a little like a cross between paint and gel.
The stuff that many of us used to do when we were young, along with Sand Art.
I don't think its that easy to understand what I'm saying. :/

There, something like that.
Well, the three of them did so, not me.
Although I've never done it before.
I feel so deprived suddenly.
Anyways, Kanny chose a house, Mango Leong chose a ship, and Hasee chose Snoopy.
Then after that we went to the playground just outside of the shop, and ate too.
After about half an hour of playing around, we took a few polaroid pictures from Kanny's Polaroid Camera.
I want a Polaroid Camera.
But it's $100+.
Oh well.
After that we went home.
Well we pretty took pictures of everything we did, so you'll be able to see them on Facebook when Kanny uploads them.
Ah ah, I'm tired.