Well, its been a while.
Hello dearest stalkers who read my blog. :)
Alright, let's get to business.
Today started off with me waking up 20 minutes late. And best thing was I didn't even hear my mom call me the first time. But I still reached school quite early. Compared to others, at least.
Then came Speech Day. It wasn't that bad, really. Except that I played a few wrong notes in American Graffiti :( And I think when we were supposed to "sit on the stage, smile and not fidget too much", we completely failed. I think we contributed to at least a quarter of the noise made in the hall. Hahaha and its like on my right, Sherlene, Jae Young and I are talking, and on my right, Shasha was so silent, while Jimin was talking to Mandy. Then Shasha was like completely silent or something. So amazing.
So after all the playing, we moved out. It was quite loud, in my view. So after we brought all of our stuff down, Sherlene and I went to help Percussion. So first, we went to the hall, and then Shermaine said that there was nothing left. So we went down again. And then we met Jolene in the Band Room, and she asked us to go help Percussion, so we told her what happened. Then after that we decided to double-check, and then we went to the Seminar Room instead, because we saw people coming down from there. But in the end, there was NO ONE from Band there. So after that, when we were coming down, we saw some people across carrying the Timpanis down from the Hall. So we decided to go there and help. And then it turned out that they didn't need anymore help. So basically we made 3 wasted trips.
After that we had a short break, when Sherlene and I spammed our cameras (Well, I used Grace's camera. And its horrible! D:<) with lots of photos. Then came the ceremony.
I have to admit, at first it wasn't that bad, but halfway through the passing down I felt some tears in my eyes, but they didn't fall yet. It was only when Hong Yi started giving her speech, did I start to cry. So when the lights were turned off, they all started streaming down. So it was just talking about a lot of very emotional and true things throughout, and lots of crying, until the Sec 3s were ready to show their video clip. After the video clip, which was awesome, the Sec 2s had to sing "I'll Remember You".
It started off okay. We were all fine. Tears were in our eyes, but they didn't come out. But when we came to the second "paragraph" of the song, people started crying, including me. And then our voices became really shaky and at some times, we couldn't sing. But we managed to pull through the whole thing, singing considerably well, in my view. By the end of the song, we were all sobbing, and tears kept streaming down uncontrollably. When we went to sit back down, we started wiping away our tears.
Next came Section Talk. That was one of the best moments ever. It started off with Shasha coming to hug us and asking us not to cry. And then she started crying. Okay, I feel guilty :( So after that, we sat down in a circle, and then there was this temporary moment of silence. We all had lots to say, but we couldn't say it. So Jolene started first, since she was at the (so called) start of the circle, and also since she seemed to be the most calm one. It was really hard to speak to all of them when you were crying. Your voice just keeps breaking, goes softer, pronunciation goes all wrong, tears keep streaming down, face gets scrunched up, and heart keeps aching. But nonetheless, we managed to convey our messages. So after a lot of sharing, a lot of crying, many touching moments, words from deep down in our hearts, we gave our presents to them. Then, we went out for lunch.
Lunch was a box of pizza and a bottle of Pepsi for each section, along with Chewy Junior. We sat on the floor outside the Band Room, and we started eating. We didn't really talk much. Then, Tha Yang went to get a whole box of chicken wings, and I seriously thought it was meant for the whole Band. But guess what? It wasn't. It was FOR OUR SECTION. They expected 8 OF US to finish about 30 CHICKEN WINGS. And then, Jimin went to get bee hoon. She started asking all of us to eat, and kept saying that it was her last wish for all of us. Hahaha luckily we had to clean the Band Room at that time.
So after packing up, we went to change up. Haha Tha Yang, Mun Yun, Sherlene and I raced to the toilet. I started running first because I thought there were only 2 toilets, and I didn't want to wait. So I asked Sherlene to run with me. Then Mun Yun saw us running, and then she started running. Then Tha Yang saw all of us running (Sherlene and I overtook her XD), and started running. Then she shouted something like "Not fair, I'm wearing court shoes!". And then, it turned out that there were 4 TOILETS. So we ran for nothing :(
After that, it was Section Dessert time :) We went to the opposite bus stop to wait for 111, and it took super long to come. One came by, but it was too full, so it couldn't stop. So after 3 132s and 2 32s came, and after meeting Ms Cheong and Mrs Lim, we decided to take a taxi instead. We split into 2 groups, and we waited. At that time, so many taxis came by, but they were all hired. Finally, one came, and Shasha, Jae Young, Tha Yang and Mun Yun went in. Jimin, Jolene, Sherlene and I had to wait for another one. I think we spent about 45 minutes AT LEAST at the bus stop, in total.
In the taxi, we were just talking and...yeah, talking. Jolene took the front seat, because the rest of us quickly went into the back seats first.
Then, we went to Yami Yoghurt, where I really regret adding on a topping to my yoghurt. Jimin went to pay for us, because she really wanted to get these stamps where you can get one if you spend at least $3 at Yami Yoghurt. I still ended up paying $2 in the end, but I guess its okay.
After that, we met up in Macs, and we ate there. We also talked quite a lot :D A lot of crap and bonding was spent there :D Soon, Shasha and Tha Yang left for their Mus Art Youth Band practice.
So after all this, it was time to go home, for the rest of us. But first, Jimin wanted to change out of her stockings, so we waited for her. Then we saw the YOG Mascots there. Okay seriously, the orange mascot's tail looked really fun to pull. So we were just standing there, while everyone else was waiting for me to pull the tail. But I couldn't at that time because so many people were watching. So when they decided to leave because Jimin was ready, I decided to take the risk and pull. And guess what? It was a success. And that guy was like falling back when I pulled. So fun~ Haha and when I told everyone else that I pulled the tail already, Jolene was like "Argh I should have took that! Evelyn go pull again!"
So in the end, we split. Jimin went on ahead first, and Jolene stayed in Plaza Sing to wait for her friend. Jae Young, Mun Yun, Sherlene and I then went to the MRT station. Then it split further. Jae Young and Mun Yun went on ahead first, while I accompanied Sherlene to buy her ticket. However, when she paid finish, the ticket didn't come out. And we started panicking, as usual. So we were running around the MRT station looking for the Customer Service Counter. When we finally found it, that guy helped us get the ticket, and then we started walking towards the MRT. And then we got lost. Sort of. We kept going the wrong way, thanks to Oh-Great-Sherlene who was leading the way. Soon, my mom called and asked me to go to Buona Vista, where she would pick me up. So that meant that I got to accompany Sherlene :D
So when we boarded the train, we went off at City Hall, and we took the wrong train, going towards Pasir Ris, when we were supposed to go the other direction. It was all because we saw the MRT doors open at the other side when we stepped out of the train we were in, and so we were like "Okay, let's go board that". So we went till Kallang before we realised that we took the wrong train. So we went out, and took the train back. It was a lot of time consumed, but it was well spent, considering that we talked a lot.
However, when I finally reached Buona Vista, I got lost. I was supposed to find the overhead bridge, but I didn't know where that was. So after about 20 minutes, I went to ask the Information Counter, and they gave me directions. So after that, I went home.
At home, I cried. A lot. But not as much as in Band. I've cried about 4 times at home already: In my room, When talking to Mun Yun on MSN, Bathing, and Talking to Sherlene and Alex on MSN. I cried another time just now, in Benjamin's house.
Now its time for pictures.

You might think I'm crazy, to have written all these, and to have cried so much, but my Sec 4s mean a lot to me.
They taught me everything I know, along with my Sec 3s, Izzati, Grace and Sherlene.
They guided me through the whole of last year.
They gave me a lot of support.
They didn't pick on me.
They treated me very nicely.
They taught me the importance of Music.
They taught me how to appreciate Music.
They were really good seniors.
So I'd like to tell you all,
That I'll never forget you.
May you do well in your life.
Come and visit us soon.
And here's this dedicated to you three.
You were our pillars,
Holding up the section at all times.
You were our roof,
Giving us a sense of protection.
You were our base,
Providing wonderful foundation.
You were our doors,
Opening new paths for us.
You were our everything,
That made the house complete.
The house that contained C.A.T.S.
You were our teachers,
Teaching us almost everything.
You were our friends,
Always being there for us.
You were our family,
Giving us constant encouragement.
You were, are, and will always be, our seniors.
May you remain in our hearts forever,
And may we remain in your hearts forever.
Its not goodbye yet.
But for now, I bid you farewell.
Thank you for the wonderful times we shared.